Selected Reviews and News Coverage
“Karmenova’s playing was intimate and supple”
Review in the German daily newspaper “Schwäbische Zeitung” from 20 December 2023 English translation: “The 30-year-old violinist Meruert Karmenova, born in Kazakhstan and winner of the 16th International Henryk Wieniawski Violin Competition, blended in beautifully. The interplay between soloist and tutti was harmonious. Karmenova’s playing was intimate and supple; she…
“Her playing had serious authority”
Report about the International Henryk Wieniawski Violin Competition in The Strad. Full article available online. “Meruert Karmenova (b.1993) from Kazakhstan played with thoughtful and sensitive phrasing from the outset of the Wieniawski, with a real sense of communication. She was graceful in the slow movement, and pushed ahead in the…
“Karmenova led a thoughtful, yet contrasting internal dialogue”
Review in the Polish online magazine Kultura Poznan. Full text here. Polish original (excerpt): Pochodząca z Kazachstanu zdobywczyni II nagrody zagrała Koncert Wieniawskiego bardzo introwertycznie, otrzymując pełne zrozumienia wsparcie Agnieszki Duczmal i jej orkiestry. Artystki odkryły w Koncercie dużo więcej głębi i pokładów emocji, niż usłyszeć można w innych wykonaniach….